Date/Time Converter Class Usage/Examples

Remember, you can convert almost any form of date/time. It also accepts date/times that don't have leading zeros (such as n/j/y). It works fine as long as the numbers aren't bunched together like: 11908 (njy), (not even a human can read that), but 11 9 08 or 11/9/08 or 11/9 08 will work.

Original Date Original Mask New Mask Output Syntax
11/1/2008 17:40:00 n/j/Y H:i:s m/d/y G:i 11/01/08 17:40 $obj = new Date_Time_Converter("11/1/2008 17:40:00", "n/j/Y H:i:s");
echo $obj->convert("m/d/y G:i");     //you may echo the return value of convert()
11/20/2005 07:40:00 PM m/d/Y h:i:s A M jS, Y g:ia Nov 20th, 2005 7:40pm $obj = new Date_Time_Converter("11/20/2005 07:40:00 PM", "m/d/Y h:i:s A");
$obj->convert("M jS, Y g:ia", true);
echo $obj->date_time;   //or if you set the 2nd argument in convert() to true, you can retreive the value from the public $date_time variable
219 nj m/d 02/19 $obj = new Date_Time_Converter("219", "nj");   //its smart... it knows there's no such month as 21, so it must be 2
echo $obj->convert("m/d");
119 nj m-d 11-09 $obj = new Date_Time_Converter("119", "nj");    //this defaults to November 9th, not January 19th.
echo $obj->convert("m-d");
11 20 2005 07:40:25 PM m/d/Y h:i:s A

F jS 'y, g:i:sa

November 20th '05, 7:40:25pm $obj = new Date_Time_Converter("11 20 2005 07:40:25 PM", "m/d/Y h:i:s A");
echo $obj->convert("F jS 'y, g:i:sa");
Fri, Feb 9th, 2007 D, M jS, Y Y-m-d 2007-02-09 $obj = new Date_Time_Converter("Fri, Feb 9th, 2007", "D, M jS, Y");
echo $obj->convert("Y-m-d");       //you may also provide the day of the week in "D" format (Sun, Mon, Tue)
11:20 AM g:i A g:i a 11:20 am

$obj = new Date_Time_Converter("11:20 AM", "g:i A");       //time only
echo $obj->convert("g:i a");