
History of Wishbones

Ancient Romans were the first to see the wishbone as a symbol of luck, which eventually turned into the tradition of actually breaking it apart. A chicken wishbone would be snapped apart by two people while they were each making a wish. The person holding the longer piece was said to have good fortune or a wish granted. If the bone cracked evenly in half, both people would have their wishes come true. As the Romans traveled through Europe, they brought this tradition with them, and the English eventually adopted this practice too. The tradition of breaking a turkey wishbone started with the Pilgrims, and the actually term of a wishbone was created in United States in the mid 1800s.

My Story of Luck

November 25, 1999 was my 47th birthday and lo and behold, another Thanksgiving. At our house we always celebrated the two together — regardless. To me, blowing out my birthday candles on a pumpkin pie was the norm not the exception.

It was then, at that moment, while sitting at that Thanksgiving table with friends and family that something struck me: Why, at traditional Thanksgiving meals, served all across the country, when there is a bounty of food, is there but one lonely wishbone? After this, I invented Lucky Break Wishbones for the masses so everybody, including vegetarians, have a chance to make a wish every day throughout the year.

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