Meleah S. Ashford, P.E.

President, Ashford Engineering Inc.



Program Coordinator/Grant Manager

Ashford Engineering, Inc.

La Jolla Shores Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan - Scripps Institution of Oceanography/UCSD, La Jolla , California

Scripps Institution of Oceanography (Scripps) is currently under permit by the State Water Resources Control Board to eliminate dry weather flows and reduce pollutants in storm water flows into the ocean as required by the California Ocean Plan.  Ms. Ashford was contracted by Scripps to develop a grant proposal for an Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan to protect two adjacent Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) offshore of Scripps and the City of San Diego .   The project included bringing in the City of San Diego and San Diego CoastKeeper as project partners, coordinating development of a project scope using Scripps scientists and project partners, and applying for funding through the Prop. 50 Integrated Water Management Program (IRWM) to fund the project.  A $500,000 grant was successfully funded by the State and Ms. Ashford successfully administered the grant and coordinated development of the plan.  The plan consists of an innovative process for Ocean Protection that includes urban runoff characterization, ocean ecosystem assessment, an information management system and public education.  The deliverables, including the webpage and the Plan, can be viewed at

La Jolla Shores ASBS Dry Weather and Pollution Control Program – University of California , San Diego , La Jolla , California

Based on work from the ICWM Plan (above), Ms. Ashford coordinated development of an implementation grant proposal to construct the first set of projects outlined in the Plan.  The grant was funded at $3.6M and the project is currently under construction.  The project is a long-term program to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) throughout the La Jolla Shores coastal watershed to control non-storm water discharges and reduce or eliminate pollutant sources that drain into both the San Diego-La Jolla Ecological Reserve and the San Diego Marine Life Refuge.  The University of California San Diego (UCSD), the City of San Diego and San Diego Coastkeeper again partnered on this project that consists of BMPs ranging from an ecology embankment (media filter) for low flow and stormwater treatment, dry weather diversions, erosion control and low impact development (LID) projects throughout the watershed.  Meleah has also assisted with grant administration.

Watershed Coordinator/Grant and Program Management - City of Vista , California

Ashford Engineering, Inc.

Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan

For the City of Vista Meleah assisted in acquiring a $500,000 planning grant to develop the Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan for a 30 square mile watershed in San Diego County .  Once the Grant was secured, she was hired as the Watershed Coordinator with the responsibility of Grant Management and stakeholder coordination.  Meleah has used a hands-on approach to understanding the needs of the team, the project and the stakeholders.  Project meetings were important, however, continual communication with the project team and stakeholders was critical to identify where gaps existed or where roadblocks were being constructed.  With prompt attention, these gaps were filled and potential roadblocks did not come to fruition.  Meleah’s philosophy was to meet challenges head on, trust in the collaborative approach, and keep one eye “on the finish line” by always looking towards the completed product.  She also worked with the project stakeholders to meet as many multiple needs as possible for the project, such as meeting regulatory requirements, coordinating with ongoing infrastructure plans in the watershed and brining together as many nongovernmental and agency programs as possible.  The project will be completed in August of 2008 and is currently on schedule and within budget with over 30 stakeholders working actively in the process.  Meleah coordinated the development of a project website ( ).

NPDES Stormwater Program Management - City of Vista , California

From 2002 to present, Ms. Ashford has assisted the City of Vista with compliance with the Stormwater NPDES Municipal Permit.  During a four month period, Ms. Ashford served as the Stormwater Program Manager, performing program management duties consisting of representing the City at regional activities, corresponding with RWQCB, implementing subconsultant contracts, and supervising the City’s new Stormwater Code Compliance Officer.  She has also provided consulting services in support of the stormwater program, including completion of the City’s first Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) Annual Report, preparation of municipal stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) for several facilities, performing annual inspections for municipal facilities, updating the City’s Stormwater Standards Manual containing their local Stormwater Urban Runoff Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), implementing municipal BMPs and education programs. 

Program Coordinator/Grant Manager - City of Encinitas , California

Ashford Engineering, Inc.

Carlsbad Watershed Urban Runoff Management Program Coordinator

For five years, Ms. Ashford acted as the Lead Copermittee for the development of a Watershed Urban Runoff Management Program (WURMP) for the Carlsbad watershed in San Diego County .  This project included coordinating the Carlsbad Watershed Copermittees (seven cities and the County of San Diego ) to develop a plan for addressing urban runoff on a watershed basis.  The program included development of goals, objectives and activities that will be collaboratively implemented within the watershed the areas of water quality assessment, land use planning, watershed education, and stakeholder involvement. 

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Program Coordination

The Regional Water Quality Control Board ordered ten responsible parties in the north San Diego County area to collect water quality data for development of TMDLs for bacteria, sediment, nutrient and TDS for four lagoons (SDRWQCB Order R9-2006-076).  Ms. Ashford coordinated the effort which included assembling and facilitating a consensus-driven responsible party workgroup which met over ten times during the 18 month development period.  The project included creating a preliminary cost estimate, developing a lagoon-specific cost-share agreement using formulas based on population and land use distribution within the lagoon watersheds that spanned two Fiscal Years, obtaining resolutions from the boards or councils of all responsible parties to approve the cost-share agreement, writing the monitoring RFP, coordinating the proposal review process and procuring a monitoring consultant for the $2M effort.

Stormwater NPDES Program Management 

For six years Ms. Ashford assisted the City of Encinitas with management of their stormwater program.  Starting in 2001, she prepared the City’s Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP) and then assisted with its implementation.  This project consisted of working within the City’s various departments and compiling the various elements of their stormwater program.  The primary goal of the project was to ensure that the City was implementing a program that reduced pollutants in stormwater and maintains the City of Encinitas as a leader in the stormwater compliance field.  Ms. Ashford’s accomplishments on this project included development of a stormwater construction inspection program, commercial inspection database management system, municipal compliance program for the City’s public works yards, and a stormwater education program consisting of development of several educational brochures and products as well as multiple training programs.  She has also completed three JURMP Annual Reports for the City.  On behalf of the City, Ms. Ashford was an active participant in developing several region-wide workgroups; primarily the Watershed Urban Runoff Management Program Workgroup, the Permit Re-issuance Workgroup and the Program Effectiveness Assessment Workgroup. 

Moonlight Beach Urban Runoff Treatment Facility and Sewer Pump Station Renovation

Ms. Ashford was instrumental in obtaining $814,000 in grant funding through the Clean Beaches Program from the State Water Resources Control Board for the Moonlight Urban Runoff (Ultra Violet) Treatment Facility.  The purpose of the facility was to reduce treat urban runoff and reduce beach closures to a very popular local beach.  In addition to obtaining the grant, she managed the design and construction of the facility which was performed on time and within budget. The project was awarded the 2002 Award of Excellence from ASCE.  Ms. Ashford also assisted the City of Encinitas in obtaining an $893,500 grant for a portion of the renovation the pump station at the same location as the UV Treatment Facility. This project consists of the design and construction of major renovations at the existing Moonlight Sewer Pump Station in Encinitas to abate sewer spills that plagued Moonlight State Beach .  Ms. Ashford provided grant administration services including preparation of grant submittals and invoices, and coordination with City of Encinitas Finance and Engineering Departments.

Project Consultant - City of San Diego , California

Ashford Engineering Inc.

Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program

Ms. Ashford prepared several components of the City of San Diego ’s 2002 Jurisdictional Urban Runoff Management Program (JURMP).  The JURMP is the major requirement of the City’s NPDES Stormwater Municipal Permit and describes how the City plans to reduce pollutants in stormwater and urban runoff.  Ms. Ashford was responsible for preparing three components of the City’s JURMP; industrial and commercial uses, inventories and prioritization, and program assessment.  She also provided review of the entire JURMP.

Project Consultant - MEC Analytical (now Weston Solutions), Oceanside , California

Ashford Engineering Inc.

Loma Alta Creek Watershed Management Plan

Ms. Ashford assisted MEC Analytical in preparing a watershed management plan for Loma Alta Creek in Oceanside , California .  Ms. Ashford inventoried State Permitted industrial facilities and high priority construction sites and evaluated their impact on water quality on this highly urbanized watershed.  She also assisted with writing regulatory and stormwater components and overall review of the plan.

Project Manager- City of Poway, California

Dudek & Associates

Storm Drain Master Plan

Ms. Ashford was the Task Manager for the City of Poway Storm Drain Master Plan .  The City of Poway ’s storm drain system consists of a series of open and closed conduits over 160 miles long and encompasses an area of over 30 square miles.  The storm drain system includes RCP and CMP pipelines, RCB culverts, concrete trapezoidal channels, improved earthen channels and natural creeks.  Ms. Ashford responsibilities include coordinating the system mapping, development of storm drain GIS, analysis for the entire system, and preparation of the Storm Drain Master Plan. A graphically interfaced hydraulic model, HYDRA, was used to perform the system analysis.  Drainage basin characteristics were developed by intersecting of topographic features, soil type and land use data within the storm drain GIS.  Rainfall and runoff parameters were computed using the San Diego County guidelines.  Both FEMA and existing stream gauging data were used to calibrate the model flows.  The hydraulic analysis will be used to identify deficiencies in the system and recommend improvements including pipeline and channel improvements, and development of detention basins.

Project Manager - Leucadia County Water District, Encinitas and Carlsbad , California

Dudek & Associates, Inc.

Wastewater Master Plan

Ms. Ashford was the project manager for the development of the LCWD’s wastewater master plan which included a review and model of over 850,000 linear feet of collection system pipeline, and 12 active lift stations.  The District serves over 50,000 people and has a service area of approximately 15 square miles which covers parts of Encinitas and Carlsbad , California .   The master plan included the development of a GIS for the District.  The GIS base map was based on the SanGIS database.  SanGIS’s parcel data was integrated with the District’s customer database so that model flows were developed on a parcel-by-parcel basis, and calibrated to the actual sewer discharge rates from District records.  The system (pipeline) data was developed from as-built plans.  The resulting GIS included pipelines with attribute data and model results indicating the system capacity and flows for ultimate buildout of the District.  In addition, parcel data was included that contained parcel size, occupancy, land use and wastewater generation factors.  The final result of the master plan was a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan that carries the District to ultimate development of its service area.

Project Manager - Rainbow Municipal Water District, Rainbow, California

Dudek & Associates, Inc.

Wastewater Master Plan

Ms. Ashford is the Task Manager for the development of the sewer system master plan.  She is also overseeing development of both the sewer and water mapping/GIS system. The Rainbow Municipal Water District (RMWD) provides sewer and water services to the Northeastern portions of unincorporated San Diego County .  The wastewater system consists of over 50 miles of collection system pipelines and six lift stations. Wastewater treatment is provided at the San Luis Rey Wastewater Treatment Plant in the City of Oceanside .  The water system includes over 300 miles of pipeline, twelve pressure zones, seven aqueduct connections, and associated storage reservoirs, pump stations and chlorination stations.

The RMWD project includes extensive mapping and GIS development using AutoCAD Map and ArcView. The system mapping is being performed in using record drawings to develop the GIS database.  HYDRA is being used for the wastewater system analysis.  Ms Ashford is also responsible for developing a capital improvement plan with associated project costs based on modeling results and a review of system components. A comprehensive master plan will be prepared that will provide the District with a very powerful planning tool to aide RMWD in the day-to-day operation of their system.

Project Manager – City of Solana Beach , California

Dudek & Associates, Inc.

Sewer Master Plan

Ms. Ashford was the Assistant Project Manager for the development of the Solana Beach Sewer Master Plan.  Pipeline data was collected form as-built drawings and wastewater generation data was developed on a parcel-by-parcel basis using the SanGIS database.  The entire system of pipelines was mapped into an ArcVeiw-based GIS and modeled using HYDRA.  The system’s four pump stations were also modeled.  The final master plan included a Capital Improvement Plan and delivery of the sewer system GIS.

Project Manager – City of Coachella , California

Dudek & Associates, Inc.

Sewer Master Plan

The Coachella Sanitary District has experienced rapid development over the past five years and their wastewater collections system and treatment plant were nearing capacity.  Extensive new development in the services area would seriously impact their system.  Meleah was the project manager for the development of a wastewater master plan that expanded their existing system with its 1.24 mgd capacity to a future system of over 15 mgd.  The facilities were modeled using HYDRA.  A GIS was developed for the collection system side of the model, as well as the wastewater generation side.  The wastewater generation data was developed using the Riverside GIS data integrated with the District customer database, and the physical system was modeled using as-built drawings so that the most accurate model was be developed.  A master plan was developed that projected incremental growth over the next 30 years.

Project Manager - City of San Diego , California

Dudek & Associates, Inc.

Famosa Slough Combination Tide Gates –.  Ms Ashford designed a set of combination tides gates for the City of San Diego to help protect the Famosa Slough from the potential of contamination form the San Diego River .  The Famosa Slough is a protected wetland that provides important habitat for wildlife in a heavily urbanized area.  Because the slough is fed by the San Diego River during high tides, it was vulnerable to pollutants introduced in the river.  The combination gates were designed to function as tide gates that would not allow reverse flow from the river to travel into the slough during if there was contamination in the river.  The gates could, however, be removed to allow free exchange of water when river pollution was deemed not a threat to the slough.

Wind-N-Sea Beach Stormwater Diversion and Pump Station

The Wind-N-Sea pump station was designed by Ms. Ashford to divert low flow from the Bonair Storm Drain in La Jolla and pump it into the local sanitary sewer.  The design included a diversion structure, a below-grade pump station, and a two-way connection to the sanitary sewer system.  This project was performed for Ms. Karen Henry of the City of San Diego .

Project Manager - City of Richmond , California

CH2M HILL, Oakland , California

Stormwater Management Plan  

For the City of Richmond , Meleah developed Part I and Part II of the City’s National Pollutant Elimination System (NPDES) permit.  The permit was submitted in the form of a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) that would guide the City on how to control pollutants in the stormwater run-off.  The project included the development of new city regulations, a public awareness program, an industrial awareness and training program that included the development of an industrial database and compliance tracking system, and several workshops for industry owners and operators, recommendations for improvements to the City’s operations in order to reduce exposure of pollutants to stormwater runoff, and a stormwater management plan

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

The City’s publicly owned wastewater treatment plant is regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board under its Stormwater General Industrial Permit.  Ms. Ashford brought the treatment plant into compliance with theses regulation, which required the preparation of the Notice of Intent to Comply (NOI), the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and Monitoring Plan.

Project Manager - Refinery, Martinez California

CH2M HILL, Oakland , California

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)   A stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan was prepared by Ms. Ashford as required under revised provisions of refinery’s Individual NPDES permit.  The refinery site was nearly 1,000 acres and included refinery processes, fuel storage, tanks farms, waste treatment processes, and some undeveloped land.  The SWPPP included identifying potential sources of pollutants, BMP recommendations and preliminary design, sediment and erosion control measures, employee training, and an extensive monitoring program.

Project Manager - Raltson Purina , California , Nevada

CH2M HILL, Oakland , California

Industrial Stormwater Group Permit Compliance. Meleah was the project manager responsible for developing a Industrial Group Permit.  This project was for Ralston Purina facilities throughout California and Nevada .  The permit consisted of development of SWPPPs for each facility as well as a group monitoring plan.

Project Manager - City of Palo Alto , California  

CH2M HILL, Oakland , California

Stormwater Master Plan

As project manager, Meleah was responsible for the development of the City’s storm drain master plan.  The project included developing standards and analyzing approximately 54,000 linear feet of storm drain pipe.  The analysis consisted of surveying of the physical storm drain, obtaining hydrological data to develop the project storm performing detailed hydrologic and hydraulic modeling using USEPA’s Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), and developing the City’s Storm Drain Master Plan and 10-year Capital Improvement Plan.  A GIS was developed for the City’s storm drain network and the project modeling was performed from within the GIS through a linkage of the GIS and SWMM.  The project also included the design of approximately 4,900 feet of new 36- to 54-inch storm drain with an outfall to San Francisquito Creek, an environmentally sensitive stream.

Project Manager - City of Berkeley , California  

CH2M HILL, Oakland , California

Stormwater Master Plan

Ms. Ashford was Project manager for the City of Berkeley ’s stormwater master plan.  This project integrated both a capacity and condition analysis.  The capacity analysis consisted of developing a GIS of the City’s storm drain system and creeks and modeling the system within the GIS using SWMM.  Since this was the first master planning effort the City had performed, a verification program was performed to verify the location, size and material of the City’s storm drain system and the result were presented on a GIS mapping system which was turned over to the City upon completion of the project.  The GIS could be used by the City to prepare maps, review the systems condition and perform their own analysis of the storm drain system using alternatives developed in-house.  The final CIP was developed based not only on the system’s capacity but also on its condition.

Aquatic Park Water Quality Assessment and Improvement Project

Ms. Ashford was the Project Manager for the assessment of the quality of Aquatic Park in Berkeley , CA .  The Aquatic Park lagoon consisted of three waterways fed both by fresh water (mostly stormwater) and tidal waters form San Francisco Bay .  The water quality of the lagoon was perceived as poor due to bacteria, and algae growth and decay.  A one-dimensional flow model and a two-dimensional sedimentation model were performed and it was determined that hydraulic structures must be enlarged to increase tidal circulation and that stormwater must be bypass the lagoon during low flows when bacteria counts were high.

contact Meleah Ashford