Facts about Invasives
Land Use and Impervious Surfaces
Storm Drains
Riparian Areas

Full Story.


Cooperation Benefits the Watershed

We have formed a solid and extensive partnership among private, public, and business stakeholders. Instead of distrust, hidden agendas, and opposition we work together to protect, enhance and restore the Carlsbad Watershed.

Over 30 organizations now participate in the CWN. Our members are made up of individuals, non-profits, government agencies, main stream environmental groups, land trusts, business and citizen groups.


Contributions to the Carlsbad Watershed Network

Contributions to the work of the Carlsbad Watershed Network should be made payable to our fiscal agent, the San Elijo Lagoon Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.


Facts about Invasives

December 2000

Introduced Species:
The Threat to Biodiversity & What Can Be Done

By Daniel Simberloff



Invasive species cause more damage than some pollutants.

Almost half of the native species in America are endangered because of invasive species.

There are many ways in which the introduction of non-native or exotic species negatively affects our environment and the diversity of life on our planet. The statistics are startling and more attention must be paid to the problem and devising a solution before the cost is more than we can bear.

  • Compared to other threats to biodiversity, invasive introduced species rank second only to habitat destruction, such as forest clearing. 
  • Of all 1,880 imperiled species in the United States, 49% are endangered because of introduced species alone or because of their impact combined with other forces.
  • In fact, introduced species are a greater threat to native biodiversity than pollution, harvest, and disease combined. 
  • Further, through damage to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and other human enterprises, introduced species inflict an enormous economic cost, estimated at $137 billion per year to the U.S. economy alone. 
  • Of course, some introduced species (such as most of our food crops and pets) are beneficial. However, others are very damaging


Land use and impervious surfaces

…the major variable in determining the type and amount of runoff within a watershed is the type and extent of land uses.  Though a land use does not specifically result in increased runoff, the amount of pervious vs. impervious surfaces associated with land use does. (CWMP)

Water quality and quantity are indirectly related to the land uses and directly related to the activities and impervious elements associated with land use. (CWMP)

Urban storm runoff programs with well designed standards to limit impervious surfaces and water collection can counter the negative affect associated with land uses and associated activities.  CWMP

Storm Drains Lead Directly to Ocean

The wastewater and sewage that drain from inside your house is treated and cleaned before it enters the ocean, but the storm drains in the street outside your home flow directly to the ocean, rivers, and lakes without any treatment . It is important that no one be allowed to dump waste of any kind onto street surfaces, drainage pipes and ditches, or into storm drains - they are only for rainwater.


Riparian areas

Riparian areas
...that the flow of water through riparian soils regenerates ground water?
...that riparian vegetation can remove excess nutrients and sediment from surface runoff and shallow ground water? And that riparian vegetation shades streams to optimize light and temperature conditions for aquatic plants, fish, and other animals?
...that riparian areas provide important habitat for many endangered and threatened species and other wildlife and plants?
...that the appearance and boundary of riparian areas vary from site to site?
...that some riparian areas function and meet criteria established for wetlands?
...that the character of a riparian area is dependent upon the condition of the watershed in which it is located?
...that although riparian ecosystems generally occupy small areas on the landscape, they are usually more diverse and have more plants and animals than adjacent upland areas?