Report a Violation
Map Weeds on your Smartphone
Aid Control Efforts
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Report a Violation

If you see someone dumping anything onto street surfaces, into storm drains, or into any other device built to contain rainfall or runoff in San Diego County, please take action to protect our watershed. If possible, you should take photographs of the problem, and document the time and place the problem occurred.

If you detect a problem in your creek, stream or lagoon, such as illegal construction activity, dumping or bank erosion, report it immediately by calling the Regional Hotline at 1(888) 846-0800 or by using this link to Report a Violation via the Project Clean Water web site. Or, you can call the appropriate individual or agency directly. See the Agency Whom to Contact list. The County of San Diego will respond to all complaints in unincorporated areas, and will refer complaints in the incorporated cities to the appropriate jurisdictions.

Volunteer and make a difference!

You can volunteer directly with any one of our member organizations each of whom is working hard to protect the health of the Carlsbad Watershed for future generations.

You can apply your time, skills and expertise to our efforts in:

Contact any one of our member conservancy non profits to volunteer by filling out our Volunteer Form or by contacting the conservancy directly, see Join Us specific contact information for each conservancy in the CHU. You can also print the Volunteer Form , complete it and mail in to the non profit conservancy organization of your choice. See Members for a listing of all the member addresses. .

You can use My Watershed to determine in which watershed or creek you live.

Map weeds on your smartphone

Use your smartphone to help restore habitat for wildlife. Download the What's Invasive App to your iPhone or Android to begin mapping invasive plants. CWN biologists use your sightings to direct treatment crews throughout the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit.

Aid invasive weed control efforts

Allow CWN to access your property to control invasive plants by signing a right of entry agreement to the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy (SELC). Learn more at the SELC Invasive Plant Control website. You can also improve the habitat quality of your own backyard. Learn more about harmful exotics and landscaping alternatives by reading the “Don’t Plant a Pest” brochure.

Learn more about invasive plant control

Research the more than 4,000 species native to California at the Calflora Website. Visit the California Invasive Plant Council website to learn about the risks of invasive weeds in California. Geographic Information Systems users can download the shapefile of invasive species mapped in the CHU.

Make a Contribution or Donation:

Your contribution of cash or property will help the CWN and its member non profit organizations continue restore, enhance and protect the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit.

You can use our Volunteer Form to express your intereste in making a donation or you can contact the conservancies directly via the Join Us page.

Does your company have a matching gifts program? If so, check to see if it will match your donation.

See My Watershed to determine in which watershed or creek you live.

Join Us and Help Protect our Watershed

We invite you to join our efforts to protect the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. If you are interested in becoming a member organization, please contact one of our participating members at the address/phone number listed in Contact Us or attend one of our meetings to find out how you can be a part of the Carlsbad Watershed Network. You can also send an email to membership regarding your interest in the CWN.

We invite you as well to join one of our member organizations in your watershed. See Join Us for a listing and description of the various watersheds in the CHU and the member conservancies that focus on specific creeks and lagoons.

Share Your Thoughts

We would like to hear your views on water issues in your watershed or in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit as a whole. We are also very interested in what you have to say about the Carlsbad Watershed Network, this web site, or any concern you may have about the watershed. Our goal is to make this site as easy to use, with as much information as possible so that you can decide how to participate in protecting, enhancing, and restoring the Carlsbad Watershed. Use the Feedback Form or email us with your comments.
Thank you!