Recommended Reading

Tools and Resources

In addition to the Acronyms and Glossary and Bibliography found in the Carlsbad Watershed Management Plan (CWMP) as well as the CWMP itself, these links to tools, resources, conservancies and government agencies will help you understand the issues and challenges of taking informed action to enhance, protect, and restore the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit.

See also our Whom to Contact listing of various municipal contacts for watershed related issues.

Articles and News Stories

Plant Invaders, LA Times

Animal Immigrants, LA Times

Group Joins to Destroy Invasive Water Plants, SD Union Tribune

Agua Hedionda Free of Invasives, SD Unioin Tribune

Exotic Invaders Crowd Out Native Species, Sd Union Tribune

Plant Soup inc. Gardening Blog by Nan Sterman


Recommended Reading

Brownlie, W. and B. Taylor, 1981. Sediment management for southern California mountains, coastal plains and shoreline. Part C: Coastal sediment delivery by major rivers in southern California. EQL Report No. 17-C. California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, CA.

Carlsbad Watershed Management Plan Prepared for the Resources Conservation District on behalf of the Carlsbad Watershed Network. KTU&A. February 2002. A complete copy in PDF format is available courtesy of Project Clean Water.

The Carlsbad Watershed Management Plan (CWMP) has excellent material for citizens and students of all levels who wish to learn more about watershed, watershed protection, and the status of the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit and its watersheds, creeks, and lagoons. The following are is a partial list of the references found in the CWMP.

Faber, et al, 1989. The Ecology Of Riparian Habitats of the Southern California Coastal Region: A community profile. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish & Wildlife Services. V.85 (7.27). 152 pgs.

Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West, 2003, Joseph M. Ditomaso, Evelyn A. Healy, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Publication 3421

Riparian Areas: Functions and Strategies for Management, 2002, National Research Council, National Academy Press Coming Soon.

The Watershed Project Management Guide, Davenport, 2003, Thomas E., Lewis Publishers, ISBN 1-58716-092-7

The Weed Worker's Handbook, The Watershed Project - California Invasives Plant Council 2004, Halloran, P, Mackenzie, A, Farrell, S and Johnson, D. Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District, CA Coastal Conservancy, The Contra Costa Watershed Program, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For copies contact 510-231-5655

See also Bibliography of the The Carlsbad Watershed Management Plan (CWMP).