Bibliography: Carlsbad Watershed Management Plan

Invasive Species, Invasive Plants, Non-indigenous and Non-Native Species Bibliography.

New: Baskin, Yvonne. A Plague of Rats and Rubbervines: The Growing Threat of Species Invasions. Island Press, 2002.
New: Lodge, David, and others. "Nonindigenous Species: Ecological Explanation, Environmental Ethics, and Public Policy." Conservation Biology (February 2003), 1-8.
New: Mooney, Harold A., and Richard J. Hobbs. Invasive Species in a Changing World. Island Press, 2000.
New: Simberloff, Daniel, and others. Strangers in Paradise: Impact and Management of Nonindigenous Species in Florida. Island Press, 1997.

Carlsbad Watershed Management Plan Bibliography

"Agua Hedionda Creek, Flood Plain Information; Department of Army, Los Angeles District, California and Maps.” US Army Corps of Engineers July 1973 pg. 24

"Aqua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Framework Plan.” Source Point May 1997 pg. 81

"An Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad, California-Chapter 21.201 Coastal Development Procedures.” City of Carlsbad, California May 1999 pgs. 814-19 to 814-48

"An Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad, California-Chapter 11.06 Excavation and Grading.” City of Carlsbad, California November 1991 pgs. 310 to 326

"An Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad, California-Chapter 15.16 Grading and Erosion Control.” City of Carlsbad, California May 1999 pgs. 384-16 to 384-28

"An Ordinance of the City Council of Escondido, California Concerning Procedures for the Flood Plain Management: Ordinance No. 93-1 p.22” City of Escondido, California pg 22 January 1993

"An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Escondido, California, Excavation and Grading: Article 55, p.43.”City of Escondido, California , March 1996

"An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Escondido, Storm Water Management and Discharge Control: No. 93-30 Article 2 p. 12.” City of Escondido, California

"An Ordinance of the City of San Marcos, California-Chapter 14.15 Storm Water Management and Discharge Control.” City of San Marcos, California

"An Ordinance of the City of Solana Beach, California-Chapter 15.4 Excavation and Grading.” City of Solana Beach, California pgs.15-19 to 15-33

"An Ordinance of the City of Solana Beach, California-Chapter 13.1 Strom Water Management.” City of Solana Beach, California pg. 9

"APA Cal Planner: Watersheds Conference 2001.” California Chapter for the American Planning Association March 2001, p.16

"Best Management Practices Handbook for Erosion and Sediment Control & Storm Water Retention/Detention, p.300.” County of San Diego pg 300

"Buena Vista Lagoon Feasibility Analysis Draft Work Program.” Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation, April 2001

"California Management Measures for Polluted Runoff (CAMNPR).” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission

"California Pesticide Management Plan for Water Quality.” California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Pesticide Regulation and State Water Resources February 1997, p1-20

“California Watershed Management Forum- 12 Steps California’s Watershed Recovery.” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission December 2000

"CALTRANS Storm Water Quality Handbooks, Planning and Design Staff Guide.” CALTRANS September 1997

"CALTRANS Storm Water Quality Handbooks, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Water Pollution Control Programs (WPCP) Preparation Manual.” CALTRANS September 1997

"Chief Counsel’s Statement for the California Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission November 1999

"Clean Water Act- Section 303(d) Appendix A. Meeting Federal Requirements- Federal Requirements Under Section 319 of the CWA Check List on Nine Key Elements.” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission

"Clean Water Act- Section 303(d) Appendix B. Legal Opinions.” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission

"Clean Water Act- Section 303(d) Appendix C. Schedule of TMDLS of California Regional Water Quality Control Boards.” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission

"Conservation Programs.” United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

"Decision Criteria for Developing Saltcedar Management Programs.” Saltcedar Management Workshop, Dueser, Curtis E. June 12, 1996

"Division 7 Water Quality, Chapter 4 Regional Water Quality Control, Article 3 Regional Water Quality Control Plans Section 13240-13247 Porter-Cologne Act.” California Water Code

"Division 26 Safe Drinking Water, Clean Water, Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Act, Proposition 13.” California Water Code, p.46

"Enhancement Plans.” Cottonwood Creek Conservancy

"Environmental Compliance Solutions Packet.” Hydro Compliance Solutions, Inc.

"Erosion and Sediment Control for Construction Projects Field Manual.” San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB)

"Escondido Creek Hydrologic Area.” United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) September 1993

"Escondido Creek Hydrologic Area - Project Report. “ USDA Soil Conservation Service Water Resources Planning Staff pg. 173

"General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Hydrostatic test Water and Potable Water to Surface Waters and Storm Drains or Other Conveyance Systems Tributary There to Within the San Diego Region (Tentative).” San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) March 2001

"Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters.” United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) January 1993

"Industry Informer: "The Storm Water Run-off Permit & Why It’s Important to You.” Building Industry Association Summer 2000

"Know Your Watershed: Putting Together a Watershed Management Plan A Guide for Watershed Partnerships.” Conservation Technology Information System

"Lower Santa Ynez River, Fish Management Plan Executive Summary.” Santa Barbara Watershed Conference Handout October 2000

“Management Options for Nonpoint Source Pollution Greenhouse and Container Crop Industries.” University of California Cooperative Extension San Diego County 1998 pg. 25

"Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan.” City of Carlsbad, California Engineering Department March 1994 p.90

"Multiple Species Conservation Program.” County of San Diego

"Municipal Storm Water Permit for San Diego County and Cities – Fact Sheet/Technical Report (Draft).” San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) October 2000

"National Pollutant Removal Performance Database for Stormwater Treatment Practices, 2nd Edition.”

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) June 2000

"Nonpoint Source Program Strategy and Implementation Plan 1998-2013 (PROSIP) Volume I.” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission

"Order No.2001-01 Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Ronoff from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Draining the Watersheds of the County of San Diego, the Incorporated Cities of San Diego County, and the San Diego Unified Port District.” California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region February 2001

"Ordinances of the City of Oceanside Grading Regulations Manual.” City of Oceanside, California Engineering Department May 1992

"Ordinances of the City of Oceanside Chapter 40 Strom Water Management and Discharge Control

Regulations.” City of Oceanside, California Engineering Department pgs 4949-4954.3

"Ordinances of the City of Vista, Chapter 17.56 Grading and Erosion Control.” City of Vista, California

Engineering Department

"Ordinances of the City of Vista, Chapter 13.18 Storm Water Management and Discharge Control Program.” City of Vista, California Engineering Department

"Ordinance No. 8845 (New Stories): Biological Mitigation Ordinance.” County of San Diego

"Oregon Watershed Assessment Manuel.” Watersheds Professionals Network

"Policy Statement for Grading p. 3.” City of Escondido, California January 1992

"Private Drainage CC&R’s.” City of Escondido, California

“Process for Development of the Final Californian Unified Watershed Recovery.” California State Water Resources Control Board California Coastal Commission 1998

“Project Clean Water: Phase I Results Report.” County of San Diego June 2001

“Rainbow Creek Watershed – An Overview for Residents.” The Mission Resource Conservation District

“Soil Survey San Diego Area, California. “ United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) December 1973

“Stormwater Conference Packet.” County of San Diego January 2001

“Storm Water Pollution Plan (SWPPP), Bay Laurel Subdivision Tract 98-240” City of Encinitas, California April 2001

“Supplemental Information for Public Workshop on Numeric Sizing Criteria for Post-Construction BMPs for New and Re-development.” San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) March 2000

“The Practice of Watershed Protection.” Various articles, Center for Watershed Protection 2000.

“Too Much Too Soon on the Santa Ynez: Lessons from an Aborted Plan.’ “ California Coast and Ocean March 2001

“Urban Stream Restoration Practices An Initial Assessment.” United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) October 2000

“Urban Stream Restoration Program.” California Department of Water Resources

October 1991

“Urban Water Management Plan (2000 Draft), Section 4 Local Water Supplies.” County of San Diego

“URS Stability Considerations.” City of Encinitas, California

February 2001

“Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Runoff from the Municipal Separate Storm Water Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds of the County of San Diego, and the San Diego Unified Port District.” San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) February 2001 pg. 52

“Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin.” San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) September 1994

“Watershed Management Chapter.” San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB)

“Watershed Restoration: A guide for Citizen Involvement in California.” NOAA Coastal Ocean Program December 1995