Tools and information for taking action:
California Coastal Trail pictures lore and facts
CoastWalk An effort to build a continuous trail along the entire California coastline.
California Invasive Plants Council CAL-IPC works to protect California's native habitats through research, restoration, and education. Formerly known as California Exotic Pest Plant Council) Extensive list of invasive plants in California wildlands.
California Coastal Cleanup Day Info on helping for all California counties.
California Native Plants Society Promotes and protects California native plants and their habitats.
Microsoft Terra Server Imagery: TerraServer contains 3.3 tera-bytes of high resolution USGS aerial imagery and USGS topographic maps
Topozone: View aerial photos, shaded relief, street maps, interactive coordinate display, and elevation data of cities and locations.
SANDAG Geographic Viewer: See geographic and other data on cities and county of San Diego.
Regional Economic Development Information System (REDI),hosted by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) offers satellite imagery of land use, topography, and several other data layers.
SanGIS: a joint powers agency of the City and County of San Diego, responsible for maintenance of and access to regional geographic databases.
Oceanside Clean Water Program
State Water Resources Control Board: SWRCB Plan for California Non-Point Source Pollution Control Program (2000)
Surfrider Foundation: Conducts weekly water testing of various San Diego beaches and is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research and education.
S. California Heritage Gardening Guide list of native plants and tool for selecting native plants plus extensive links on native plants and suppliers.
Tidelines: graphed tides of the San Diego area.
Water Volunteer Community Calendar: Activity listing in San Diego courtesy of S. California Wetlands Recovery Project
The Nature Conservancy List of the worst offending invasive plants and extensive links to other resources regarding invasive plants.
NEW! ISSG Database of Invasive Plants List of the 100 worst offending invasive plants worlwide. Arundo is #10.
NEW! National Invasive Species Council The National Invasive Species Council coordinates the federal government's responses to invasive species in the United States. Search this extensive website by state, species, and type and find links to government agencies and nonprofit organizations that lead to even more information.
NEW! Earth 911 Through Earth 911 all Americans are empowered with accurate, local information to protect their community's environment.
NEW! Northwest Gardening Coalition: Provide tip and alternatives to gardening with pestici
NEW! California Environmental Hotline: Iinformation about motor oil recycling, contact the California Environmental Hotline at 1-800-CLEANUP or visit their website. Presented By The Family Of Southern California Water Agencies
Coastal Watershed Mapping tool (High Speed Internet Connection) Allows anyone to locate a watershed of interest by zooming into a statewide map and using watershed boundaries and scanned U.S. Geological Survey quad maps.
California Watershed Portal Lists watershed related projects within the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit. Project information provided by Information Center for the Environment (ICE).
California Watershed Network Helping people protect and restore the natural environments of California watersheds while ensuring healthy and sustainable communities.
Cuyamaca Garden
Descanso Garden
The Water Conservation Garden (El Cajon),(619) 660-1684
Nan Sterman's Plant Soup : Expert advice on sustainable gardening”.
UC Master Garden Program Master Gardener volunteers provide information on home gardening and pest management to county residents, staff a horticulture hot-line (858-694-2860) 9am-3pm weekdays, answer inquiries received through the web site.
Surfrider Foundation: Conducts weekly water testing of various San Diego beaches.
Canyoneers: Mostly free guided nature walks
San Diego Stream Team Dedicated to the bio assessment of San Diego County's rivers and streams using techniques approved by the State and Federal governments.
San Diego Land Conservancy Coalition
San Diego Natural History Museum
San Diego Association of Governments: Multiple Species Conservation Program for North Coastal San Diego Cities
San Diego Regional Workbench Consortium: collaborative network of university and community partners dedicated to enabling sustainable city-region development.
Habitat Conservation Division Southwest Region NOAA Fisheries
Conservation Resources Network (CRN)
Clean Water Network: Alliance of over 1000 public interest organizations working to strengthen federal clean water and wetlands policy.
San Diego Audubon Society: Promotes protection and appreciation of birds other wildlife and their habitats. For information call 619-682-7200
National Wildlife Federation: Information on attracting and living with wildlife in your backyard.
California Coastal Coalition
California Coastal Commission
California Environmental Protection Agency - State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
California Coastal Conservancy
The California Resources Wetlands Information System comprehensive wetlands information and compilation of public and private sector information, including maps, environmental documents, agency roles in wetlands management, restoration and mitigation activities, regulatory permitting, and wetland policies.
California Coastal Conservancy: Wetlands Recovery Project A partnership of public agencies working cooperatively to acquire, restore, and enhance coastal wetlands and watersheds between Point Conception and the International border with Mexico.
California Department of Fish and Game: California Stream Rapid Bio-assessment Protocol
California Department of Water Resources
California Environmental Protection Agency
California State Lands Commission