FAQ's about the Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan

Watershed Management Plan | FAQ's About the WMP | Executive Summary | Technical Reports and Appendices | Meeting Agendas and Presentation | Small Changes Brochure

What is the Agua Hediond Watershed Management Plan?

The Agua Hedionda WMP is a comprehensive, geographically focused, scientifically-based plan for preserving, restoring, and enhancing watershed functions and minimizing future degradation of the Agua Hedionda Watershed. See Final Plan.

Why does the watershed need a management plan?

The 2030 Regional Growth Forecast indicates nearly all current agricultural land is planned for development; while, open space will be reduced 33% from 2007 levels to make room for more residents. Increased development and the ensuing runoff from parking lots, rooftops and buildings will lead to increased flooding, soil erosion and pollution in our waterways, loss of Wetlands and riparian buffers, and loss of native habitat.

Already, the Agua Hedionda is listed as an impaired watershed due to sedimentation, bacteria, total dissolved solids (TDS) and nutrients that negatively impact recreational opportunities and quality of life. More.

How was the plan developed?

The plan was developed by local jurisdictions, conservationists, and other stake holders working together as the Watershed, Planning Group (WPG) . The WPG established goals and objectives and oversaw the process of developing the Agua Hedionda WMP.

Staff from local governments helped establish assumptions for future land use conditions, comment on draft findings, screen candidate Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Low Impact Development (LID) scenarios, and provided input on candidate sites for stream restoration, BMP retrofits, and land acquisition as part of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).

In addition, the consultant provided scientifically based recommendations based on technical analyis such as:

  • Field reconnaissance and stream characterization
  • Geomorphic analysis
  • Data review and analysis
  • Predictive watershed modeling to assess the current (2007) and future (2030) conditions in the watershed with and without management.

Finally, the workings of the Watershed Planning Group and the Technical Advisory Commitee including all agendas, meetings summaries, presentations, technical reports were made available online and comments to the draft were incorporated into the final document.

What does the Agua Hediona WMP recommend?

The Agua Hedionda WMP shows how we can specifically protect and restore the structure and function of the Agua Hedionda watershed. The plan identifies what actions will be most effective and where to apply them such as:

  • Low Impact Development (LID) techniques for the watershed, buffer policy, water conservation.
  • Preserving the functioning of the waterdshed by acquiring open space, restoring streams, riparian buffers, and wetlands.
  • Managing the flow of storm water through Stormwater BMP Retrofit Projects that reduce flooding and stream bank erosion..
  • Enlisting citizens to reduce pollution allowing our waterways to support more wildlife and provide greater recreational opportunities.
  • Monitoring the health of the watershed on an ongoing basis and encouraging citizen stewardship of the watershed.
  • Funding and sustained support to implement, fund, and coordinate land acquisition, stream restoration, and Stormwater BMP Retrofit Projects. More

What is next?

The WMP details the actions and tasks required to successfully maintain and restore the Agua
Hedionda watershed and include specific actionable, fundable measures. The first task is for local juridictions to adopt the Agua Hedionda WMP.

Equally important is establishing a Watershed Council comprised of local jurisdictions, agencies, NGO's, and interested public members to direct implementation, obtain grants and manage projects the benefit the watershed. Local jurisdiction are being asked to dedicate partial staff time and resources to support the Watershed Council and fund a Watershed Coordinator who will coordinate implemtation of the AHWMP recommendations, grant writing, as well as public education and outreach.

Citizens can assist this process by making small changes to reduce the pollution of stormwater in the watershed. See brochure.

Where will the money come from?

The Agua Hedionda WMP is a nonregulatory document, thus, implementation will depend on a variety entities becoming involved.   The WMP is a road map that supports local jurisdictions efforts in complying with regulatory programs.  It also shows local jurisdictions, agencies and developers where opportunities exist within the watershed for mitigation.  It is envisionioned that the plan will be funded through local jurisdictions, state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, and developers as they find opportunities within their programs for the projects recomended in the plan.  The WMP is also an important element to obtaining State and Federal funding.

Watershed Management Plan | FAQ's About the WMP | Executive Summary | Technical Reports and Appendices | Meeting Agendas and Presentation | Small Changes Brochure